knowing me, i'll probably get some heat for writing this, but dang y'alls, this is my blog. this isn't a jealous rant because i love my friends and are super excited for all of them who are movin' on up the life ladder, but i wanted to take a look at the phenomenon that is group marriage.
it seems to me that when one person becomes engaged, the flood gates open and everyone in that circle of friends does too. why does this happen? is it some sort of female testosterone thing where 'anything you can do, i can do better'? or is it because they're scared of being the only one left?
there's no greater pressure than being one of the 'last' one to marry in your group of friends.
in fact, sometimes it makes you wonder if there's something wrong with you. am i not attractive enough? am i not the marrying type?
and of course boyfriends or significant others roll their eyes to the thought of it and wonder why you're starting to buy wedding magazines - but even then, they can feel a little under the heat too.
i think the best way to counteract all these feelings of guilt and self consciousness is to embrace yourself (no, not physically but if you want to, go ahead, no one's watching). remember who you are and why you're at the point in your life and realize that there are bigger things in store for you. some people get it early, some people get it later on in life, but it sure doesn't mean you won't ever.
in addition to this wedding craze, there is also the baby craze. when you've past the stage of marriage, its time to move on to the babies. and when friends have babies, everyone starts having babies.
this i can see as a more realistic situation because your kids can grow up and play with your friends kids, but at the same time, it's still a lot of pressure. unnecessary pressure that probably wont help your plans of conception along. people have to just relax and let it go and then you'll pop one out.
1 comment:
Is that the Asian counterpart for Michelin Tires?!
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