So I don't know what's giving me carpal tunnels syndrome faster, my shit ass overworked underpaid job at the hospital (let's not get into that, as you can obviously see I'm none to happy about that) - or ROCKBAND for Wii.
My boyfriend and I have been playing it religiously the first couple days when we purchased it - we were trying to finish World Tour. We did in fact finish it, he was the drummer (because he can count and I can not) and I was torn between the guitar and mic.
Rockband is addictive and if you forget about the colours and coordination aspect - you could possibly think you're rockin out in an actual band.
I have to be honest, I only knew maybe a handful of the songs listed in the soundtrack and I loathed playing through some of them - (including Metallica's Sandman...I just don't like Metallica. End of story.) but you still have a pretty decent time.
I noticed a lot of buzz about a 'sock' mod for the drum set, because, if you've played the drums with Rockband, you notice that it might miss a note or you might accidentally get two notes instead which then screws up your count royally. So the concept is to tie a sock around it - apparently it helps the reverberation problem and for you parents out there - it makes the drumset quieter - less migraine inducing.
I'm also in the process of playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2 for the DS - I love tactics but this game has no clear plot or driving story line...not to mention the stupidity of having a judge/rules that aren't strictly enforced. In the old FFT, if you broke the rule, you would go to jail and you would have to finish the battle without the person who broke the law and go bail em out of jail. But not this one. If you break the law, you lose your "benefit" during the battle which is nothing really, if you think about it stat wise and your law breakin' rebel gets to play on, player.
My sister and I had a conversation about this the other day and she mentioned that in the first FFT for the Playstation, if you were an archer, if you were higher up, you'd have a better vantage point. Or, if you were in a plot of water, then you would obviously not be able to swing your sword/use your weapon. But not this FFT! You could be standing in front of your friend with your enemy on the other side and be able to shoot at them with a pretty damn good accuracy. You can swing your sword even though you're up to your chin in water.
Lazy programming much?
My sister also informed me that they're coming out with a Final Fantasy fighting game which will see the likes of Tidus (FFX), Squall (FFVIII), Zidane (FFIX) and other characters going head to head or joining I guess plans for Final Fantasy XVIII is not happening?!
Speaking of WTF moments, they're also making a Chun-Li (of Street Fighter) movie - starring...KRISTIN KREUK.
Wait a second.
Let's digest that for a moment.
Chun "Thunder Thighs" Li Being Played By
Excuse me, Kristin Kreuk is a very pretty girl and all - but ...she's no Chun-Li.
Here's more WTF News...They're making a DRAGONBALL movie, slated to come out next year. Starring someone we don't know and Emmy Phantom of the Opera (the movie) and The Day After Tomorrow - as BULMA! Crazy shit.
I'd be highly insulted if they don't make a Sailor Moon Movie. Sailor Moon was just as popular - if not MORE popular than Dragonball. I don't know who'd play my Sailor sure as hell wouldn't be Miley Cyrus. Although I'm sure some of you would love to see Megan Fox steam it up as....maybe...Sailor Mars?
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