April 30, 2009


Addiction is a terrible disease. I use the word disease because essentially, addictions don't make you any better and it can take a chokehold of your life.

Addictions come in all shapes and sizes: drugs,sex, alcohol, shopping, gaming, gambling, eating- none of these have positive outcomes.

A sign of an addict is a complete denial of having a problem.

Addicts face losing their loved ones over something they can't give up and most of the time, sadly, they do not make the right choice.

These addicts can get to the point of losing it all and they proclaim that they can and they will change. And of course those around them accept and they try once more.

But more often than not, addicts fail.

Old habits die hard, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, whatever saying you want to use.. It still means the same thing.

You can't blame them, you can blame yourself for thinking that they could quit cold turkey- but that would be too much to expect of one person.

And from here, standing on the sidelines of oblivion, you are faced with a moral dilemma.

Will you hide your eyes and pretend you see no evil, because you grasp desperately to the last straws of hope you have that one day they can break free from their oppression...

Or do you get up, dust your hands off and walk away from the situation? Because you too could be an addict for staying when it isn't right. Why should you suffer at the hands of another who is too self absorbed with themselves and people who will never learn?

And that, is the question of the moment.

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