December 18, 2008

they reduced me to this..

i could bitch and complain about certain people i work with that make my day and everyone else's day horrible, but i'd like to think i'm more mature than that and i will put it in a different perspective.

for those of you who still smile and greet everyone or even say hi or a simple thank you - dont ever stop.

no matter how hard the day is, how many times you get yelled at, how much you hear your name being whispered in the background, remember that you are who you are, you are always learning and you are human. you are better than them.

for example, even a simple hello or thank you to the grumpy messenger man makes his frown turn upside down and he is actually jovial and interesting to talk to.

never apologize for your mistakes. you make them, learn from them and then move on. you may make them again, but thats the only way you are going to learn - to keep making them until you get it. for some people, they can be burnt once and get it, and others take a longer time.

dont let gossip and nay sayers take away your dignity or reduce you to tears - you're letting them win.

always stand your ground. if you don't, people will trample all over you. be the better person.

and that is my rant of the day.

one more sorting shift to go.

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